Arduino OBD-II adapter now available in DFRobot Store

If you want to pick up more Arduino goodies together with the Arduino OBD-II UART adapter, now you can order it in DFRobot Store, one of the biggest online Arduino and robotic merchant in the world.


By |January 30th, 2013|News & Events|Comments Off on Arduino OBD-II adapter now available in DFRobot Store

Arduino OBD-II library updated

I just updated the OBD-II library for Arduino. The update improves initialization routine and added compatibility with adapters of new revision.

The latest source code has been committed to subversion repository.


By |November 15th, 2012|Playground|Comments Off on Arduino OBD-II library updated

Google Earth based web viewer for Arduino GPS/OBD logger

The whole thing is still in early stage. The idea is converting logged data file into a KMZ file and a HTML file which can be loaded and viewed in web browser.


By |August 2nd, 2012|Playground|1 Comment

Arduino GPS module test sketch

This is a GPS module test sketch for Arduino based on a LCD1602 shield. You can either save it to local INO file and build width Arduino IDE (TinyGPS library is required). You can also compile it online into a HEX file and upload to Arduino with AVRDUDE or other uploading utilities.

By |July 5th, 2012|Playground|Comments Off on Arduino GPS module test sketch

Arduino OBD-II adapter now with built-in accelerometer

The Arduino OBD-II adapter now comes with accelerometer built-in . This demo video shows an Arduino with RGB LED matrix rendering data of the accelerometer.

By |June 23rd, 2012|Playground|Comments Off on Arduino OBD-II adapter now with built-in accelerometer

The ultimate GPS and OBD-II data logger based on Arduino MEGA

This ought to be a work putting together most of my previous research and efforts. The hardware is made up of:

By |June 12th, 2012|Playground|5 Comments

Distance measuring with Arduino

After modifying a USB GPS receiver to use with Arduino, I continued to make a further attempt to measure distance between two locations with Arduino. The idea is straight-forward, when pressing a key, current location is stored and used as start location. The line distance of current location and the start location is calculated and displayed on the LCD on the spot. Next steps are: (1) allowing entering GPS coordinates of a location (2) calculating and displaying trip distance.

If the distance between two locations is not too long, the calculation of the line distance between them can be simplified a lot by treating the earth as flat.

By |April 21st, 2012|Playground|3 Comments

Modify USB GPS receiver to use with Arduino

Most common USB GPS receivers come with a USB connector with a UART-to-USB chip built in. That means the GPS receiver itself provides serial UART output. So they can be used with Arduino by replacing it's USB connector with Rx/Tx and VCC/GND connectors. My practical test has proved that this works. What you need to make sure of is the baudrate of the GPS receiver.