Firmware bugfix for Freematics OBD-II Emulator MK2 (J1850 version)

A critical bug in the firmware of Freematics OBD-II Emulator MK2 (J1850 supported version) has just been fixed. This bug will cause the emulator to hang after the PID 010B is polled. This is a bug caused by a typo but seriously affects the stability of the emulator. It is strongly recommended all customers owning the hardware perform a firmware upgrade. Non-J1850-capable emulators are not affected. The latest firmware is distributed with the latest GUI software package.

We are truly sorry for this!

By |May 15th, 2015|News & Events|Comments Off on Firmware bugfix for Freematics OBD-II Emulator MK2 (J1850 version)

VIN reading added in OBD library

VIN reading was just added in OBD library and MegaLogger has it displayed. Code committed.


By |May 8th, 2015|Updates|Comments Off on VIN reading added in OBD library

Duo Bluetooth module for Freematics Vehicle Data Logger

Duo Bluetooth module (BLE+BT 2.1) is now available as new wireless option for Freematics Vehicle Data Logger V3. That means any Bluetooth capable devices, old or new, 2.1 or 4.0, can connect with the same data logger.

By |April 29th, 2015|News & Events|Comments Off on Duo Bluetooth module for Freematics Vehicle Data Logger

MegaLogger sketch updated

The update sketch added test procedures and support for MPU-9150 9-axis MEMS module available in the new OBD-II I2C Adapter while 6-axis MPU-6050 is also supported with the same MPU9150 Arduino library. OBD library was also update recently. All the latest code and libraries were already committed to Github repository.


By |April 27th, 2015|News & Events|Comments Off on MegaLogger sketch updated

Firmware update for Freematics OBD-II Emulator

New firmware for Freematics OBD-II Emulator is available. In this update, several reported issues have been fixed including the DTC resetting issue. Since the release of BLE version of the emulator, the firmware now has two versions for hardware with and without BLE. For those purchased the BLE version of emulator before the release of our Freematics Emulator iOS app, please update your hardware with the latest firmware with the GUI software in order to use the emulator wirelessly with our iOS app.

Click here to download the firmware

By |December 9th, 2014|Updates|Comments Off on Firmware update for Freematics OBD-II Emulator

App for Freematics OBD-II Emulator now available in App Store

Our Freematics Emulator App is now available in App Store, finally! Actually Apple is quite fast on approval of hardware interactive App. The most time was spent on the delivery of the inspection unit from AUS to 1 Infinite Loop. Here are several screenshots of current version of the App. We are going to update it very soon as quite some improvements have been done already while waiting for the approval.

Freematics OBD-II Emulator now ships with optional BLE support for wireless control and configuration via an iPad.

By |November 18th, 2014|News & Events|Comments Off on App for Freematics OBD-II Emulator now available in App Store

UI update for Mega Logger

10313855_341742449340780_7287099858237454067_nThe interface of Mega Logger (the Arduino sketch developed for OBD-II Telematics Kit #3) was just re-organized. Information is displayed in a more logical layout. As next step, touch screen operation will be implemented for switching between different layouts of data display.

The updated code is already in GitHub.

By |November 13th, 2014|Updates|Comments Off on UI update for Mega Logger

Data charting service up running again

Our Data Charting Service has been experiencing some difficulties for a while. After some server updates and fix-up applied recently, it is now up running again. The Data2KML utility was updated as well. Please make sure to use latest Arduino sketches with your Telematics Kit to do data logging so that the logged data can be parsed and rendered into chart and map correctly.

Click here to take a look at something recently logged near Manly beach.


By |November 12th, 2014|News & Events|Comments Off on Data charting service up running again