iPad App for Freematics OBD-II Emulator

Freematics OBD-II Emulator will soon integrate Bluetooth Low Energy. That will make it possible for emulator to interact with iPad App. The App is almost a rework of the GUI on PC with more convenient touch control. The development of the App is now almost done and we are going to submit it to App Store. Stay tuned for more updates.


By |October 8th, 2014|Updates|Comments Off on iPad App for Freematics OBD-II Emulator

Users Guide for Arduino Telematics Kits

Arduino Telematics Kits are designed to putting up a data logging and monitoring device with OBD-II, GPS and motion sensor data access.  This users guide contains information to get start with the kit and the Arduino sketch designed and provided for them.

By |August 25th, 2014|Guides|Comments Off on Users Guide for Arduino Telematics Kits

Freematics @ Sydney Mini Maker Faire

Freematics was on the stage of Maker Faire for the 4th time. The weekend spent in Powerhouse Museum for Sydney Mini Maker Faire was just as exciting as the previous ones we went for. One slight difference was that some visitors had already heard about us online and some even had purchased our products before. It was good to be face-to-face with users, whether past or potential, and we got lots of good feedback.

By |August 19th, 2014|News & Events|Comments Off on Freematics @ Sydney Mini Maker Faire

Slideshow for Sydney Mini Maker Faire exhibition

Tomorrow Freematics will be present at Sydney Mini Maker Faire. Here is the slideshow about what we are going to tell people.

By |August 15th, 2014|News & Events|Comments Off on Slideshow for Sydney Mini Maker Faire exhibition

Freematics OBD-II Emulator firmware update

The firmware for Freematics OBD-II emulator is updated for fixing the DTC clearing issue reported by several users. To perform the upgrade, please download the latest Freematics Emulator GUI software. In the GUI, click “Update Firmware” button and proceed with prompts.

By |August 15th, 2014|Updates|Comments Off on Freematics OBD-II Emulator firmware update

See you two weeks later at Sydney Mini Maker Faire

After having taken part in the Maker Faire Bay Area in May, we are heading for PowerHouse Museum in Ultimo, Sydney. Two weeks later we will present our 4th Maker Faire exhibition worldwide and the 2nd one in Sydney. The event website has already posted a brief introduction. In the coming exhibition, we will focus on our just upgraded Arduino OBD-II data logger kit #3 and the new generation of OBD-II emulator and demonstrate both of them on site. Come to see the products and us if you are around!

By |August 1st, 2014|News & Events|Comments Off on See you two weeks later at Sydney Mini Maker Faire

Freematics OBD-II Emulator MK2 ready for order

After 3 month’s development and testing, Freematics OBD-II Emulator MK2 is now ready for order!

Freematics OBD-II Emulator MK2 is world’s smallest OBD-II emulator with KWP2000, ISO9141 and CAN bus simulation. It provides a 16-pin female OBD-II port which is identical to that of a real car and responds to requests for standard OBD-II PIDs from plugged-in OBD-II compliant device. It emulates up to 6 active vehicle diagnostic trouble code (DTC) as if a real car has when encountering a component malfunction or fault. Request for VIN is also responded and the VIN can be altered.

The emulator connects to PC via USB cable and is operated via an easy-to-use software GUI. Secondary development is possible with serial TTL connector available for connection of interaction with Arduino or other embedded system with source of data (e.g. sensors).

Freematics OBD-II Emulator is practically useful and cost effective for OBD-II related application development on desk. Once extended with external data source, it can even be used to provide an OBD-II port for vehicles that don’t have a real one and thus existing OBD-II device/software can also work with the vehicle.

To learn more about the new emulator, please see here. If you have any good idea or suggestions about this product, let us know via the forum.

By |July 11th, 2014|News & Events|Comments Off on Freematics OBD-II Emulator MK2 ready for order

GUI for new Freematics OBD-II Emulator

The new Freematics OBD-II Emlator will come with a GUI on PC (Apps on iPad and Android in future). The hardware of the new product is complete and ready to ship. However, the software develop is still under-going and this held back the release of the product. Finally it’s nearly done. Here is a glance of the GUI.


With the GUI for the emulator, it’s possible to adjust more (almost all) OBD-II PIDs in the highest possible precision. More importantly VIN and DTC can be altered and set. An ignition switch makes it possible to emulate the status on OBD-II port when ignition is on or off. More interesting features will come later, including data playback and external data sourcing.



By |July 3rd, 2014|Updates|Comments Off on GUI for new Freematics OBD-II Emulator