Freematics OBD-II Data Logger Kit Upgraded

The popular Freematics OBD-II data logger kit #3 has just got better. After coming back from the Maker Faire Bay Area, we upgraded the kit by replacing the 2.8″ TFT LCD screen shield with a newly designed 3.2″ TFT LCD shield with built-on I/O sockets and optional Bluetooth module. The new TFT LCD based on SSD1289 is perfectly supported by the latest revised version of MultiLCD library now. This makes screen larger (also faster) and eliminates the need for a I/O shield in the middle of TFT LCD shield and Arduino MEGA board. The Bluetooth (BLE or BT 2.1) capability is provided by a CC2540 module soldered on the back of the shield which is connected to Arduino MEGA’s Serial3.

Click here to learn more about the new kit #3.

By |June 24th, 2014|Updates|Comments Off on Freematics OBD-II Data Logger Kit Upgraded

Freematics at Maker Faire Bay Area 2014

Tomorrow we are part of the show

Tomorrow we will be part of the world’s biggest event for makers, the Maker Faire Bay Area! Last year in NYC, we came to the stage of Maker Faire for the first time and was deeply impressed and motivated by the event. In the following 8 months, we have done a lot towards the goal of our project. We went onto Kickstarter and got hundreds of backers after the campaign. We set up our online store for accepting orders from worldwide.We kept improving our key product, Freematics OBD-II Adapter and released V2 of it. Being in the maker movement, we are just motivated to go towards our goal while also being able to enjoy the the whole process.

We are so excited to come back to Maker Faire to show the world what we have done through the months. In this show, we will be presenting 3 major works.

Freematics OBD-II Adapter V2

This is the core product of the project. The V2 comes which has following changes/improvements:Freematics OBD-II Adapter

  • Faster OBD-II data access (up to 100Hz)
  • Built-in GPS support (10Hz data update rate)
  • ATMega328p as main controller (compatible with Arduino UNO)
  • SPI breakout slot for communication or programming via ICSP
  • MicroSD socket breakout slot for easy inserting/removing card

Freematics OBD-II Emulator V2

Our OBD-II emulator is really a derivative product which was originally made for our internal use only. When we tried pushing it to market, it got unexpected popularity so that we decided to make it better. The original version uses 9 knobs for adjusting the value of 9 OBD-II PIDs. The physical knobs are handy to use but in some cases when we want to adjust more PIDs or do it programmatically, a data interface is necessary. The V2 comes with a serial data interface of a simple AT command-set which goes through TTL, USB or Bluetooth. By sending AT command, the value of OBD-II PIDs can be altered and the change is reflected on the simulated data bus and finally on the OBD-II port. The physical knobs are removed as we will make a good PC software and iPad/iPhone App for the same and even better experience. As the emulator also provides TTL serial UART breakout, it is possible to control the emulator with an Arduino or other hardware. This can be used to emulate a standard OBD-II port on a vehicle which does not have one with actual data obtained by other means.

Arduino OBD-II Logger Kit based on Arduino DUE

We have been providing different Arduino OBD-II Logger Kits which are popular among makers who want to make a vehicle data logger with a display. The Kit #3 originally consist of an Arduino MEGA 2560 and a 2.8″ TFT LCD shield. It is to be upgraded to Arduino DUE and 3.2″ TFT LCD shield.

The above 3 highlights are what we will present at this Maker Faire. Come to see us if you are hanging around!

By |May 17th, 2014|News & Events|Comments Off on Tomorrow we are part of the show

See you in Bay Area

Freematics is going to Maker Faire Bay Area (May 17 & 18). We will exhibit the latest version of Freematics OBD-II Adapter and some other open-source hardware products and kits of ours. Last year’s World Maker Faire in New York is our very first chance to expose to the spotlight of world-class maker event. 7 months has passed since then. We have performed our very first Kickstarter campaign and have never stopped pushing the project forward.

If you happen to be hanging around Bay Area in May and would like to talk about anything about the project or our products, come to our table in the San Mateo Event Center! Our project number is 20340.

More info:

By |May 7th, 2014|News & Events|Comments Off on See you in Bay Area

Freematics Vehicle Data Logger Users Guide

Freematics Vehicle Data Logger is a programmable device with OBD-II and GPS accessibility. Inside it is an AVR ATMega328P (compatible with Arduino UNO) and peripherals accessible with Arduino libraries including voltmeter, accelerometer, gyroscope, temperature sensor, microSD seat and Bluetooth (BLE and SPP) module.

By |May 7th, 2014|Guides|Comments Off on Freematics Vehicle Data Logger Users Guide

Freematics OBD-II Adapter V2 sample completed

After our first Kickstarter campaign was over, we have been keeping up pushing the project Freematics forward, though the goal of the campaign wasn’t reached. The sample of Freematics OBD-II Adapter V2 is now under testing. The V2 has several changes and improvements. The most important one is the GPS support. One serial UART of STM32 was led out to 4 pins for connecting GPS module. The STM32 processor will process the NMEA data input from the connected GPS module and parse it. We have extended ELM327 AT command-set to provide access to the parsed data. The added commands are:

  • ATBR1 <baudrate> – setting serial baudrate for AT command line interface (default 38400bps)
  • ATBR2 <baudrate> – setting GPS serial baudrate (first setting turns on GPS parsing)
  • ATGRR – retrieving raw data (NMEA) from GPS module (once a complete line)
  • ATSGC – sending GPS command (mainly for changing GPS module paramteres)

By |March 25th, 2014|News & Events|Comments Off on Freematics OBD-II Adapter V2 sample completed

OBD-II + GPS + G-force data logger based on Arduino MEGA2560

This will be the most comprehensive OBD-II data logger kit and also the biggest in size as it is based on Arduino MEGA2560. Te kit consists of:

By |April 20th, 2013|Playground|Comments Off on OBD-II + GPS + G-force data logger based on Arduino MEGA2560

Arduino OBD-II library gets updated

This maintenance update mainly fixed the library’s compatiblity issue with Arduino Leonardo and other ATMega32U4 based new boards. The folder structure has also some adjustments. The shield library files which demo sketches use are now placed in their sub-folders respectively. A new demo sketch was added in the release package (source code) which drives a tiny cool OLED module to make a dashboard for the car. The module can be ordered here.



By |February 2nd, 2013|News & Events, Playground|Comments Off on Arduino OBD-II library gets updated